A friend sent this video to me. She knows them personally because she has one of their children in her class. I have never met them, but their story is incredible. I was absolutely moved by their faith and felt that it need to be shared. It is an amazing testament to the goodness of God's love and the healing that He offers to everyone no matter what the situation. I hope you will be as moved and inspired by it as I was. (Sorry you will have to click the link to view, but I promise it is worth it).
Monday, April 20, 2009
Blessings in the Form of Girlfriends
In today's hustle and bustle I don't think we take the time to celebrate the people who impact our lives. So right now I just want to take some time to celebrate the wonderful girlfriends that God has placed in my life. They are such a blessing in my life and such a source of inspiration to me that they deserve a little celebration.
The Girls
The Girls

Lauren is my best friend. We are so much a like it is scary (this probably has to do with the fact that we are 2 days apart). She is the person that knows everything about me, who sees me for exactly who I am and still loves me despite all my craziness. I can be completely silly or neurotic or enraged or heartbroken and she is the one who I call. Her spirit is the most amazing. Everyone needs a friend in their life just like her.

*Jill* (AKA The Southern Princess)
I met Jill in our first class (Foxy Knoxy) Freshman year of high school and we have been friends ever since. She is the only person I know who is probably more sarcastic then I am (which is really hard to do). She also is the most caring, generous, kind-hearted person you will ever meet in your life. She gives of her time, energy and resources like no one else I know. She inspires compassion in me.

*Robin* (AKA The Quite Beauty)
I have known Robin the longest. We grew up in church and school together (I use to steal her pink carpet in preschool). Her house was always the cool house to hang out and I have so many memories growing up that involve this woman. She has quiet beauty because she doesn't always talk as much as I do, but in certain moments she has spoken some of the most profound pieces of wisdom. Her gentle spirit inspires me.

*Katey* (AKA Christian Soldier Barbie)
Do not worry she calls herself Barbie so it is not an insult. Katey and I share similar stories in some ways that sometimes I think gosh am I looking in a mirror. She also has one of the most intense faiths and incredible testimonies I have ever heard in my life. She doesn't just speak her faith she lives it. Her faith inspires me to an even deeper faith and relationship with God.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Finding My Name
Okay so you may read the title of this blog and think what is she talking about. Doesn't she already have a name? And shouldn't she already know it? The answer is yes I know the name that my parents gave to me, but that is not the name I am talking about. The name that I am referring is what I have titled my heart name, it is the name that God uses to speak tenderly to the heart of an individual. Please do not get this confused with the new name that we receive in Christ, these are two separate names. Let me give you a little back story before getting to the rest of real story.
My women's Bible study has been reading Captivating. At one point in our study the guide asked us what name does God speak to you with. As I listened to the video and the girls in my group they all had these beautiful names for which God tenderly called to them and I felt completely left out because I had never heard a name from God. So as I left from study I was feeling a little upset and all I could think to do was pray. I drove home and began to have a long conversation with God about finding the name He spoke to me with. After that night I sort of put it out of my mind and didn't really think anymore about it. That was probably about a month ago.
Fast forward to last Friday. I had woke up and began doing my morning devotions for the day. My morning devotions are from the book Hinds Feet on High Places. This particular morning I was at the point book where the character Much Afraid is being called by the Shepherd to journey with Him to high places. (If you have not read the story it is an allegory and I suggest reading it to understand what I am writing about). His song to her calls her His Fair One. In that exact moment God spoke to me. He said this is my name for you. I got really giddy. I mean I was giddy like a Jr. High girl who got asked to a dance by her crush and if you know me that is completely out of character for me. Oh but God was not done with this moment. While I was rejoicing God told me to look again. I was like OK I get it God, the name fits me, I am pasty white so fair one is a good fit. And he was like no keep looking. So I went back and I read the name over and over. I was like I am missing something here God, what am I not seeing and then like a lightening bolt to my brain the light bulb clicked on.
My birth name Jennifer means Fair One. It was then that God whispered to the very depth of my heart. Do you see now. You have always been Jennifer. You have always been Fair One to me. All I could do was just weep. This birth name that I had really despised growing up because it was plain, it was ordinary, it was common was the same name that God had been using all along to speak to me. How can I dislike the name that God gives to me? I will never speak another ill word about my given name. I am also really blessed that God even before I was born planted that name in the mind and heart of my parents to give to me. So today I don't have a new name, but am renewed in the name I have always had.
My women's Bible study has been reading Captivating. At one point in our study the guide asked us what name does God speak to you with. As I listened to the video and the girls in my group they all had these beautiful names for which God tenderly called to them and I felt completely left out because I had never heard a name from God. So as I left from study I was feeling a little upset and all I could think to do was pray. I drove home and began to have a long conversation with God about finding the name He spoke to me with. After that night I sort of put it out of my mind and didn't really think anymore about it. That was probably about a month ago.
Fast forward to last Friday. I had woke up and began doing my morning devotions for the day. My morning devotions are from the book Hinds Feet on High Places. This particular morning I was at the point book where the character Much Afraid is being called by the Shepherd to journey with Him to high places. (If you have not read the story it is an allegory and I suggest reading it to understand what I am writing about). His song to her calls her His Fair One. In that exact moment God spoke to me. He said this is my name for you. I got really giddy. I mean I was giddy like a Jr. High girl who got asked to a dance by her crush and if you know me that is completely out of character for me. Oh but God was not done with this moment. While I was rejoicing God told me to look again. I was like OK I get it God, the name fits me, I am pasty white so fair one is a good fit. And he was like no keep looking. So I went back and I read the name over and over. I was like I am missing something here God, what am I not seeing and then like a lightening bolt to my brain the light bulb clicked on.
My birth name Jennifer means Fair One. It was then that God whispered to the very depth of my heart. Do you see now. You have always been Jennifer. You have always been Fair One to me. All I could do was just weep. This birth name that I had really despised growing up because it was plain, it was ordinary, it was common was the same name that God had been using all along to speak to me. How can I dislike the name that God gives to me? I will never speak another ill word about my given name. I am also really blessed that God even before I was born planted that name in the mind and heart of my parents to give to me. So today I don't have a new name, but am renewed in the name I have always had.
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