Friday, February 12, 2010

Trusting God with Relationships.

Relationships have been on my heart and mind lately and I by that I mean all types of relationships. From my relationship with God to my close friendships to my small groups and church family to the typical male/female relationships a single person of my age my be thinking about. And to tell the truth I am growing in many of the areas. Starting the New Testament Challenge at my church has drawn me closer to God every day as His history and love story is laid out chapter by chapter in the greatest book ever written (The Bible). He is stirring in my heart in ways that I never even imagined when I started the NTC 2 weeks ago, challenging me in ways that I yet don't even fully understand, but it is bring about revival in my life and I can feel Him ready to move through me out into the community I am a part of. My friendships are constantly growing. As I have said before I am blessed beyond what I even deserve with amazing girlfriends that just continue to open their hearts and exude love in every way possible. And I am growing in small groups. This summer I got involved in a young adults ministry that has opened up many new relationships and opportunities for growth not to mention the heart group I joined for the NTC. I love to fellowship with all these people, to hear their journeys in Christ and see how God is working in their individual lives. All I can say is God is good!!

Yet one are that I feel I am not moving is in the male/female relationship department. Yes, I have male friends whom I value emensly, but we all know that is not what I am talking. I am talking about being single and desiring to date and get married. And really this was not something I really gave much thought to until this past year. I was quite content with my singleness and viewed it as an opportunity to be used by God during these single years that I might not be available for down the road when I am married. To be honest though, in part, though I may have been mature enough for marriage in many ways I was just not ready for it. However, that has greatly changed. Perhaps it was the slew of friends, classmates and total strangers that got married in the year 2009 or have upcoming weddings in 2010. Or perhaps it is the fact that my 25th birthday is right around the corner and in my mind I always assumed that I would be married by this age. Or (and this is what I really think is the case) I am beginning to recognize the desire for marriage God has always had in my heart. I am a big believer that God designed us for relationship; with Him, with others, and as man and wife. Marriage has been an evident plan of God's since the beginning. He saw in Adam that it was not good for Adam to be alone (Genesis 2:18) and then created a helper suitable for him (Genesis 2:18). And so I believe in this plan for my life, though some days it does not make the wait any easier.

It begs the question then what am I to do whilst I wait. Let me tell you it has been the focal point of some intense conversations I have been having with God lately. I am open and honest, pouring out my heart and my thoughts to God on the subject at hand. And admittedly there are some days that I feel as though I am talking to the ceiling and like what I am professing is not being heard at all. So comes more waiting; waiting for an answer to my prayers, waiting to see where God is going to lead. And today that is why I write because in a way I have an answer to a prayer. No, I have not magically found a man and been remedied of my singleness, but I have found some answers to what I should as I am waiting for him. As you may know I am an avid reader of the Boundless blog and webzine and I love so much of the advice that they offer singles who are in the same boat am I. Today as I scanned the daily blogs I came across a series written several years ago by one of the contributing authors and it was literally like having my personal prayer answered. All the things that I had for so long wondered about and asked God about were right there in this series of articles. Hallelujah!! I just love when God answers prayers in ways that are tangible and don't leave me scratching my head wondering what that possibly could mean. So now rather then try to sum up all the information that I myself am still trying to absorb I will point you in the direction of these articles. Maybe you think that they will have nothing to offer you or maybe for you it can be an answer to a prayer like it was for me. Either way I encourage you to just check it out, it may surprise you.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Dream Worth Believing In

* I just want to note that I did not write this, a friend of mine did. I was cleaning out my word documents when I found it and thought it was too good not to share with everyone. It really captures some thoughts that have been stirring in my own heart lately so I hope you all enjoy.*

Think about what you desire. Think about what you dream. Think about that which stirs your soul. Now answer these questions.

Does it bring into perspective the pages of your story you are already holding? In other words, can you see your past leading up to it...or perhaps preparing you for it? And vice versa...if this dream were to happen, this desire fulfilled...can you see how it would make more sense of your past? Shed more sunlight on it? Or even rescue you from it?

Does it explain the longing in your heart for a life you haven't found yet? Think of the life you crave to live. Would this desire or dream fit securely into it? Do you see this thing expanding and complementing you life, rather than limiting you? If this dream comes true, do you think you could do and be more for God, than you could otherwise? Would it strengthen you as a person and further your quest to become that which you were created to be?

Does it give you back your heart? Does it take away pain? Does it lead you down a path of adventure, life and love?

If you've been answering "yes" to these questions, perhaps it's time to start believing in your dream. Now here's one more question. How would you live differently if you believed it to be true...if you believed it could happen...if you believed it was from God?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bromances and Manly Women

First, let me say hello and that I know it has been a long while since I have posted anything, but I just really have had no desire or drive to write anything really thought provoking. Today though I've got the spark and so I will share.

A few minutes ago I was reading a blog post on the Boundless blog about Bromances. Just a few things to clarify before getting into the meat of my thoughts. For those wondering what Boundless is, it is a Christian singles website and blog that offers up advice and articles on Christian singleness, dating, marriage, etc. It is very good and I highly recommend it. Next you may be wondering what a bromance is according to Wikipedia (I know awesome source right) it is a "close, but 'non-sexual' relationship between two males" The article in itself was describing this recent trend in male relationship and was struggling to understand really what this new trend was all about. Of course many many many people wrote in explaining what it was and that they were kind of uncomfortable with this growing phenomenon of effeminate male behavior and all I could do was shake may head and laugh to myself.

You see, for years (yes even in the Christian circles and Churches) we have been telling our men that they need to listen more, be more sensitive, openly express their emotions...basically be more like a woman. So then is it wonder that now we have an entire generation of men that are openly emotional and sensitive. People come on! And the reverse is happening as well. As one commenter pointed their are women who have picked up some more masculine traits. To me this is a bit alarming and disturbing. As a society/culture we are destroying the unique male/female traits that God designed each gender with. We are telling our men that they need to step out of their emotional stupor and begin to emote more freely and as they have done so women have found it more and more necessary to take on a masculine role. Instead of celebrating the femininity that beautifully defines a woman and the bruiting masculinity that defines a man we have meshed them together into a sort of Hodge podge of both sexes and come out with bromancing girlie men and butt slapping manly women. It is time to wake and see the damage we are doing to both sexes. Women, we need to recognize that men are not women; they burp and fart and punch each other and act really tough and guess what that is okay because that is how God designed them. Now men, if you want the women to stop acting so emotionally sterile and carrying on some of the cruder male actions then it is time to step up and act like men. We don't want to assume the role, but someone has had too. SO boys and girls let's start acting like boys and girls should, let's stop trying to make one into the other and let's start celebrating our gender differences and recognizing them as reflection of God's image within each of us.